What To Expect From Your 12 Year-Old by Dr. SM Davis

The reason parents have problems with some teens is because those teens have a deficiency in their earlier character development. A study of Luke 2 shows that Jesus, by age twelve, had developed seven character qualities necessary for true maturity. This message not only shows parents the proper goals for their children, but has also provided motivation for youth to reach for those goals!
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Why Can't I Be A Millionaire?
by Dale Schamel
by Dale Schamel
0.62% of
Americans are worth more then $1Million. What made these people successful? And
what is wrong with the other 99.38% of us? Dale Schamel masterfully presents
what keeps Americans from becoming financially successful, and what we can do
hurdle that barrier.
hurdle that barrier.
The Influence Of Older Children On Younger Children by Dr. SM Davis

Have you ever wondered why so many Christian familes are losing their children to the world? Here is one reason: By failing to win, disciple, guide, and protect the eldest children, fathers and mothers often find a multiplicity of sorrows and divisions within the home.
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Why Satan Wants Your First Born & What To Do About It
by Dr. SM Davis

A quick perusal of the Scriptures will demonstrate clearly and powerfully that God wanted all the first things. It is also clear that Satan wants what God wants. Those who understand the Bible and history understand that this especially applies to the firstborn child or son. Do you know the consequences of not giving God the first things? Do you know the blessings firstborns may expect who give their lives to God? Entire families should listen to this tape, but especially parents and their firstborn children.
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7 Bible Truths Violated By Christian Dating by Dr. SM Davis

For years, Dr. Davis preached a message on “Christian Dating,” but when his oldest daughter turned sixteen and he took her on her first date, he knew something was wrong. Bible-believing churches for years have warned about worldly dating because of the danger of moral impurity. 1 Thess. 4 is clear that it is possible to defraud a brother or sister, not only physically, but emotionally as well! Christian families, to be safe, must erect fences that will protect against defrauding in both areas.
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Sleeping Beauty & The 5 Questions by Doug Phillips

In Sleeping Beauty and the Five Questions, Doug Phillips challenges fathers on the importance of guarding their daughters’ hearts at all costs, how to shield them from the pressures of a peer-oriented society and inappropriate romantic relationships, and how to prepare them as a bride — a godly young woman of purity for the young man of their dreams whom God is preparing.
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Identity Theft by Doug Phillips

Whether it’s the latest fashion trend, teen pop sensation, or sports icon, the culture of the world is constantly vying for the affections of our families. At the heart of this crisis is “identity theft”: rather than identify with Christ, who bought us with a price, the world would have us identify with its customs and ideals. In this powerful message, Doug Phillips poses key questions that get to the heart of the matter: Who are your heroes? What songs do you sing? Do you prefer the company of weak-minded Christians or strong-minded Christians? Put simply: With whom do you identify? Along the way, he addresses a number of the key identity traps Christians grapple with, including: body piercing, tattoos, dress, male effeminacy, the popular athletic culture, and much more. His basic point is this: As children of God, we should identify with Him and be distinctive. We should seek to be about our Father’s business, not the
business of the world.
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business of the world.
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Discovering Your Life Purpose by Doug Phillips

Most men and women spend decades wondering why God made them. This recording addresses three distinct levels of life purpose, all defined by Scripture, and shows how biblical leadership is a function of the ability to focus on such priorities.
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The Blessed Marriage by Doug Phillips

A Vision for a Delightful and Significant Union
It breaks my heart to hear Christians belittle or minimize the significance of the precious gift called marriage. The Bible teaches that parents are to actively prepare their children for it, that couples are to rejoice in it, and that the Church is to reinforce it.
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It breaks my heart to hear Christians belittle or minimize the significance of the precious gift called marriage. The Bible teaches that parents are to actively prepare their children for it, that couples are to rejoice in it, and that the Church is to reinforce it.
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Toxic by Doug Phillips

What’s the biggest threat to the home school community in America? A failing economy? Falling test scores? Wrongly-decided court cases? In this message, Doug Phillips argues “None of the above.” Rather, Doug outlines seven poisons that threaten to undermine the health of the home education movement: 1) a loss of vision; 2) the fear of man; 3) a love of security more than freedom; 4) a hatred of accountability; 5) the replacement of a biblical community with a virtual community; 6) incivility and gossip; and 7) the loss of our first love—the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. Yet rather than view the current crises as a reasons to fear, wise Christians should find hope. They should view these challenges as an unprecedented opportunity to return to the Lord and remove the “poisons”—to stand with their families as bright lights in the evil day.
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Why Christian Manhood Must Prevail by Doug Phillips

How can we disciple our sons to be the true heirs of Christendom? In this powerful message, Doug Phillips calls the men and boys of our generation back to the lost legacy of Christian manhood, urging them to recover the old chivalric code that was once a hallmark of Western culture. Christian manhood, he maintains, must be recaptured or else our civilization will be destroyed. Yet there is hope: If we raise our sons to preserve, protect, and promote the ancient doctrine of “women and children first,” they can become “the repairer of the breach” and lead the West to greatness once again.
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Manly Friendships by Doug Phillips

One reason for the absence of male leadership in the church, the family, and the home is the absence of truly biblical, hearty, manly friendships. The Bible has much to say about these friendships. They have nothing to do with the contemporary vision of manhood and friendship. Today we see the machismo man, the effeminate man, the superficially sentimental man, the psychologically manipulated man, the angry man, and worse. But rarely do we see biblical men in deeply meaningful, biblical relationships with other men.
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Manliness by Doug Phillips

God calls men to be men —to act with manliness. This charge has been all but lost on the men of our day. In a powerful message delivered at the Tenth Annual Christian Boys’ and Men’s Titanic Society Meeting, Doug Phillips discusses the biblical doctrine of manliness and delivers this clarion call to the men of our day “Be thou strong therefore, and shew thyself a man”
(1 Kings 2:2).
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(1 Kings 2:2).
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