How to Understand Yourself & Others
by Dr. Robert Rohm
by Dr. Robert Rohm
Format for individuals
to understand themselves and others while working on
having better
relationships and better teams. This DVD will have you rolling on the floor laughing while learning principles that will effect every area of your life! DVD & 3 Fun Books
Common Denominator Of Success
by Dale Schamel
by Dale Schamel
common denominator of success comes from a little book that Dale's mentor suggested he read for 30 days straight. The little book only takes about 20
minutes per day and will change your life. Dale attests that he is eternally grateful for
learning the secret that this book teaches. "Successful people form the
habit of doing the things that failures aren't willing to do". we suggest you read this book or hear
the CD, every day for 30 days straight. Audio & Study Guide